Offrez plus qu’un bon salaire à vos collaborateurs, offrez-leur un conseil financier sur-mesure.

Un accès direct, via notre application, à :
Des Conseillers en Gestion de Patrimoine pour leur permettre d’investir, de construire et piloter leur patrimoine ;
Des fiscalistes pour détecter les meilleures optimisations ;
Des avocats pour accompagner toutes leurs démarches.
Et si vous dotiez votre politique sociale d’un nouvel argument de poids ?
En discuster avec notre équipe

Donnez des super-pouvoirs aux salaires de vos employés

Rosaly permet aux entreprises de développer leur politique sociale et d’accompagner la santé financière de leurs salariés grâce à un dispositif complet qui donne aux collaborateurs de nouvelles solutions pour prendre de meilleures décisions financières, éviter le découvert bancaire et le recours au crédit à la consommation : l'acompte sur salaire automatisé, un simulateur d'aides sociales, un module d'échange avec des experts en budgétisation, un bouclier anti-découvert, etc.

Demander une démo

Merci ! Notre équipe revient vers vous très prochainement.

Rosaly en quelques chiffres.

Des utilisateurs comblés, des chiffres qui ne font qu’augmenter.

de NPS (Net Promoter Score)

Un objectif commun : proposer une expérience hors du commun.


L’innovation au service des salariés et de leur

prix de l’innovation RH en 2023

At a glance,

the Rosaly revolution.

On-demand Salary
Release part of your salary and avoid bank fees
Overdraft protection
Protect yourself from overdraft fees and, as a result, from consumer credit
My Experts
To guide and help you find answers to financial questions
Expenses categorization
Thoroughly review your expenses and manage your budget more effectively
Social Aid Simulator
Check your eligibility for 1,000 social benefits
My projects
Forecast and build future life projects


Need help?

Our team is here to help you Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Contact us

How can I get Rosaly as an individual?

The Rosaly scheme is provided to employees by their employers. If you've received an invitation e-mail, it's because your HR team is offering you the solution. If your HR team hasn't yet taken the plunge and you'd like Rosaly, the best way to get it is to talk to them!

What does Rosaly's solution include?

Our solution enables employees to access their salary in advance, when they need it. It also includes a social aid simulator, enabling employees to test their eligibility for over 900 forms of aid, and to find out how to take advantage of them. There's also the option of being put in touch with a team of experts, so you can ask all your money-related questions without any judgment. Rosaly also offers an overdraft protection shield, a tool for categorizing expenses, and other features we're currently working on.

How does Rosaly work for companies?

Thanks to our many partners, Rosaly adapts to your payroll and time and activity management tools. These integrations make the implementation of pay-as-you-go painless for all our corporate clients. With Rosaly, it no longer takes a single second to track and process requests for advance payment, and errors are avoided. Our technical teams are on hand to ensure that our solution is properly connected to your tools, and you benefit from dedicated support before, during and after implementation.

What is Rosaly's goal?

Our objective is to provide solutions that enable employees to deal with the unexpected, avoid overdraft and bank fees, and resorting to consumer credit, but that's not all. Our goal is also to support companies in developing their employees' financial empowerment, so that they can make better financial decisions, and give them more freedom over what they earn. For companies, our aim is to help them develop their social policy, increase their attractiveness and reduce turnover.